Getting Started With Funnels


A sales funnel is a series of steps that leads a potential customer through the process of deciding to purchase a product or service. In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to build and optimize your sales funnel to ensure it is driving the maximum amount of revenue for your business.


Scene 1

Welcome to sales funnels - the ultimate tool for selling any product or set of products in an incredibly

efficient manner. Whether you already have an online store or are just launching a new campaign, sales

funnels can help you boost your conversion rates and achieve your sales goals. Whether you're

promoting a single product or a range of offerings, sales funnels are the perfect way to maximize your

results and reach your target audience.

Let me explain why sales funnels are so valuable. Whether you already have a store or not, sales

funnels can help you excel in your business. These funnels are designed to promote a specific product

or set of products in a highly effective way.

For example, sales funnels are highly focused, with no distractions. This makes it easy for customers to

purchase the product and also be upsold on other related products you may have. The conversion rate

for sales funnels is typically very high, due to their specific targeting and streamlined purchasing


In this video, we'll be discussing the process of creating a successful sales funnel for your product.

Specifically, we'll be focusing on how to create an effective product page, a streamlined checkout

process, and a personalized thank-you experience for your customers. By the end of this video, you'll

have the tools and knowledge to create an amazing sales funnel for your next campaign in less than an


A key aspect of a sales funnel is having a product page that effectively highlights your product and

removes any distractions. The goal of this page is to provide all necessary information about the

product to encourage the user to make a purchase. By eliminating the need for an add-to-cart process

and streamlining the checkout process, you can increase the chances of converting visitors into


We'll also be discussing the importance of a personalized thank-you experience for your customers.

This is a crucial step in building customer loyalty and increasing the chances of repeat business. So,

stay tuned and learn how to create a super cool, straight-to-the-point checkout and an amazing thankyou experience that will leave a lasting impression on your customers.

The checkout process can include various steps such as upsells and downsells, depending on your

desired sales strategy. To better illustrate this concept, I will demonstrate an actual sales funnel.

Scene 2

To create a sales funnel, just go to "My Websites & Funnel", click Create Funnel and choose a design

that best suits your needs.

This particular funnel is for a physical product, a bed, and it is designed to be user-friendly and easy to

navigate. As you can see, the funnel is a one-step process, which makes it simple for customers to

purchase the product. Overall, the use of upsells and downsells in the checkout process can enhance

the customer experience and increase sales for your business.

You have the flexibility to tailor the content and images to fit your specific product needs. Feel free to

modify the text to your liking. As you can see, the design is clean and focused solely on the product at

hand, with no distractions. Unlike a traditional website, there is no navigation that could lead the viewer

away from the sales funnel. This minimizes the risk of decreasing conversion rates. When promoting a

specific product or offer, it's crucial to keep the viewer engaged and focused on the offer to increase the

chances of a successful conversion.

In this scenario, we have an effective landing page that effectively showcases the product, highlighting

various key information that encourages the user to make a purchase. The page features various

benefits, such as a money-back guarantee and a focus on delivery quality. Additionally, sections can be

easily added or removed using the page builder, allowing for complete customization and flexibility. I will

delve further into this feature later on.

As you can see, we have provided testimonials from successful customers to showcase the

effectiveness of our product. There are no distractions on the page, as all call to actions lead directly to

the product and checkout. Additionally, the design is easily customizable with just a few clicks. For

example, you can change the global colors to match your brand or change the text to suit your needs.

We will discuss this further in our later sessions.

As you can observe in this button, upon clicking, you will have the ability to view the specific steps

within your funnel. In this particular instance, we are conducting an A/B test on our overall funnel.

However, for now, I will simply select the winning version. By doing so, you will have a clear

understanding of each step within your funnel. This includes the landing page, which is the product

page, followed by the checkout process. Additionally, we have implemented a new popup feature as an

upsell opportunity. We will delve deeper into this topic in another video. Finally, you have the thank you

page, which is exclusively dedicated to this product. However, if you have multiple products, we have

examples to showcase as well.

The process is incredibly straightforward. With the traffic analytics, you can easily track the progress of

visitors through each step of the process. This includes the number of people who visited your site,

completed a purchase, and even landed on the thank you page. Additionally, you have access to a

wealth of data and analytics, including information about the number of orders, products sold, and even

the conversion rate for upsells. It's incredibly convenient and user-friendly, and you can even conduct

A/B testing to optimize your results.

If you're interested in experimenting with different versions of your product page, you can easily do so

by duplicating the page and making changes. For example, you could try adding a video to see if it

improves conversions, or placing testimonials at the top of the page. To do this, you can simply navigate

to the funnel steps and click on the "B test" option to duplicate the page. From there, you have the

freedom to make any modifications you see fit, such as changing colors or other elements. The process

is quick and simple, allowing you to easily test different versions of your product page.

If you want to add a video to your blog, it's easy to do. Simply navigate to the video section of your blog

and add a new video. You can link the video source from a platform such as YouTube, and include a

thumbnail if desired. You can also customize the button text, for example, changing it to "Buy Now" to

direct users to the next step. By default, all buttons will lead to the next step.

By default, the button leads to the next step in the process - the checkout. This means that you don't

have to add any additional links or buttons. Once you reach the checkout, you can navigate to it again

by using the arrows or by accessing it through the funnel. The checkout itself can also be customized to

your liking, allowing you to make it as visually appealing as you desire. In this example, the process has

been broken down into two simple steps.

With the ability to fully customize your checkout, you can make it look as visually appealing as possible

to your users. By adding testimonials, you can create a personalized experience that will encourage

conversions. This feature is incredibly easy to use and can greatly enhance the user's shopping

experience. Additionally, the option to include one-click upselling, where customers can easily purchase

additional products after making a purchase, can further boost sales and revenue. The power of oneclick upselling is undeniable and can greatly benefit your business.

Creating a sales funnel allows for flexibility in the number of upsells and downsells you can include.

Additionally, a thank you page can be added as a final touch, where customers are greeted and thanked

for their purchase. This makes the tracking process simple and easy to follow. Implementing a sales

funnel is an essential tool for any campaign, promotion, or other business venture.

Black Friday is an excellent opportunity to utilize a sales funnel to convert a large number of your

website visitors into actual customers. Now, let's go back to the presentation.

Scene 3

In this presentation, I will be showing you the process and an actual example of how easy it is to set up

and modify a sales funnel. It's important to note that there are various types of sales funnels, the one I

will be demonstrating is for a single product, where the focus is solely on promoting and selling that

specific product.

My favorite type of funnel is the single product funnel because it allows us to fully focus on a specific

product, whether it be a physical or digital product, a service, or even a membership with access to

content such as videos, tutorials, or courses. The payment structure can also be customized to fit your

needs, whether it be a subscription or a one-time payment. In contrast, we will also explore the option of

multi-product funnels, which focus on promoting multiple products at once. Overall, the process is

straightforward and flexible to fit the needs of any business.

One way to improve the user experience on your website is by creating separate product pages for

each item. This way, customers can easily navigate to a specific product and view its details.

Additionally, you could also create a catalog page that showcases all of your products in one place. This

allows customers to quickly browse through your offerings and select the one they're interested in.

Another option is to simplify the checkout process by adding an "add to cart" button on each product

page. This allows customers to quickly and easily purchase the item they're interested in without having

to navigate through multiple pages.

Additionally, we will also explore the option of implementing membership-based funnels. This type of

funnel allows customers to purchase a membership and gain access to exclusive content. We have

provided videos for you to check out the multiproduct type of a funnel as well as the membership


The content that is available through membership can include a variety of forms, such as files, articles,

and video tutorials. Only individuals who have submitted payment will be granted access to the

membership. Additionally, a sales funnel can be implemented in this process. These are just a few

options to consider when building your sales funnels, which are known for their effectiveness and ease

of use. Now, let's take a look at the system itself and explore some of the features it has to offer.

Scene 4

As a quick overview, upon logging into the system, you will see the main navigation at the top of the


You're now inside the builder, where you can begin designing and customizing your pages for your

funnel. The most frequently used button in this section is the one that opens your funnel. You can also

view the steps and details of your funnel on this page.

In addition, you can connect your domain to your funnel by accessing the funnel settings. To preview

your funnel, simply click on the preview button and you will be able to see the entire funnel in action,

including the order process. Next, you can proceed to submitting payment and moving through the

steps of your funnel.

The platform is designed with simplicity and ease in mind, ensuring that everything is mobile-responsive

and optimized for the best user experience on mobile devices. Submitting payments and purchasing

products is a breeze, and the store feature allows you to easily build and manage your products. If

you're utilizing sales funnels, this platform is perfect as it allows you to create and customize your

products with ease.

Additionally, you can easily connect your payment processor, set up shipping and tax rules, and access

all the information about your customers through the built-in CRM. With this platform, managing your

sales and customer interactions is effortless and streamlined.

By building a funnel, you gain access to a valuable feature - the ability to view user information. When

you click on a specific user, you can see their last login date, registration date, and any tags they have

been assigned. For instance, in this example, you can see that this user has completed two orders and

has active subscriptions.

Having all of this information readily available in one place allows you to easily keep track of your users.

This can be particularly useful for businesses that offer appointments, as you can integrate the booking

process into your sales funnel for users who have made a purchase. This streamlines the process and

makes it more convenient for both you and the customer.

The platform offers a comprehensive builder and ecommerce solution, allowing you to easily manage

contacts and view all users who have submitted forms and appointments. The builder boasts a userfriendly drag-and-drop feature, making it simple to add and adjust various elements on your page. The

experience is smooth and effortless, making it one of the best builders available.

Building pages is an enjoyable experience with this platform, as adding new blocks is incredibly simple

and requires no coding. You can easily customize your designs to make them as visually appealing as

possible in a matter of minutes. Additionally, the pages created with this platform are among the fastest

on the web.

With our platform, you have the ability to easily customize your website's global styling, including

changing the font and adding new fonts and color palettes with just a few clicks. For a more in-depth

understanding of all the features available, be sure to check out our detailed video overview.

Additionally, you can optimize your website for social sharing and SEO by utilizing the photo settings

and tracking codes. To enhance your sales funnel, you can also easily add your Pixel through the

custom code option or by using our dedicated Pixel application.

By simply adding your Pixel ID, you can begin tracking all of your sales with ease. With this feature, you

can easily monitor the performance of your Facebook ads and track sales conversions. The connection

process is straightforward and user-friendly, ensuring that everything works seamlessly across all

devices. Overall, this is a quick overview of the benefits and simplicity of using sales funnels.

This tool is truly remarkable. It offers the perfect solution for building single product, multi-product, and

membership type sales funnels. It's user-friendly and efficient, making it an ideal choice for anyone

looking to sell online. Don't miss out on the next videos, where you'll learn how easy it is to create your

first product and sales funnel. We hope you found this video informative and we look forward to talking

to you in the next one.

Other Series

Booking & Appointment

earn how to build a website using Sites & More templates and widgets, as well as how to add a call-toaction button (CTA) so people can take action when they visit your site.

Email & Automation

Create smart segments based on filters and conditions

and send email campaigns to your list and segments.

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