How to Build Sales Funnels That Converts With Sites & More

How to Build Sales Funnels That Converts With Sites & More

It can be intimidating to set up a sales funnel, but it's also one of the most important things you can do for your business.

You can think of a sales funnel as a way to track how many people are coming in and what they're doing on your website. You start with a big pool of potential customers and narrow it down as you go through each stage of the buying process.

The good news is that sales funnels are not as difficult to create as you might think. In fact, with the right tools and a little bit of planning, you can have a sales funnel set up in no time.

Table of Contents:

  • Sales Funnels Explained
  • AIDA Marketing Strategy
  • How to Create High-Converting Sales Funnel
  • How To Optimize Your Sales Funnel

What Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a process that leads customers through a series of steps to move them from being interested in your product or service to actually buying it.

Sales funnels can be used for both B2B and B2C companies, but they are especially good at boosting conversion rates for B2C companies because you can track the process each customer is going through on their way to making a purchase. This allows you to see which elements of your process are most effective and improve upon areas that may not be working as well.

Sales funnels can be broken down into three parts:

  1. Top of the Funnel (TOFU): At this stage, you are just getting your marketing message out there. You want to attract attention and create an interest in what you have to offer.
  2. Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): At this stage, you’re trying to get people interested in your product or service by explaining why it will benefit them.
  3. Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): When you reach this stage, it means that people are ready to purchase something from you. They have made a decision based on all the information they gathered at MOFU and TOFU stages and are now ready to make a purchase decision.

The funnel is a way of representing the steps that potential customers take when they interact with your business. Each part of the funnel focuses on different actions taken by potential customers before they convert into actual buyers.


The first step of the process is called the top-of-the-funnel (TOFU). This stage occurs when people are just starting to become aware of your company, its products, and its services. In this phase, you'll want to focus on building awareness around what you do and why it's valuable.

To do so, you can use content marketing strategies such as:

  • Blog post
  • Social media marketing
  • Infographics
  • Videos

The idea here is simple: create high-quality content that solves problems and answers questions related to your industry or niche. You also want to make sure that your content is well-researched and credible—people will trust it more if they think it's trustworthy!


The MOFU stage is where your prospect has finally decided that they have a problem they need to solve, and they’re making the process of finding a solution their top priority. They’re ready to take action—but they still don’t know exactly what kind of action they want to take or how that action will help them solve their problem.

It’s time for you to come in with a solution for them!

At this point in the sales funnel, your prospects have seen your marketing material and have learned about what it takes to solve their problems—but they may not be sure which solution is best for them. That’s why it’s so essential for you to at this stage to show them what your product has to offer: why it works better than other solutions out there, how much value it adds, and why it will make their lives easier.

You can do this by creating content like blog posts and videos that educate your prospects on how your solution works (and why it works better than others), while also offering up testimonials from happy customers who have already used your product successfully.


Now that you’ve laid the groundwork and built a sales funnel, it’s time to make some sales!

When you’re starting out with your sales funnel, you might be wondering how to get people to buy. The answer is: by working with your BOFU (bottom of the funnel) strategy.

A lot of marketers think that they should be focusing on the top of their sales funnel in the beginning. After all, if you have a great product or service but no one is buying it, then what good will it do? But this is actually a backward approach to marketing. Instead, you should focus on getting your customers at the bottom of their buying journey so that they will be interested in what comes next—and then they won’t mind paying for something that helps them achieve their goals.

The easiest way to do this is by offering a free trial or discount on your product or service before charging anything at all. This will help build trust between you and your customer base so that when they do make a purchase later on down the line, they feel like they know what they’re getting into and can trust that everything else in your funnel will also be helpful for them.

You can also use upsells and downsells to help people who already have an interest in what you have to offer to find ways to make their experience even better.

Upselling - Offering a better version of what they were looking at originally or even something completely different that compliments what you already have to offer.

Downselling- Offering a less expensive version of what they were looking at originally or even something completely different that compliments what you already have to offer.

If you're familiar with the AIDA formula, you know that it is a marketing strategy that can also help you improve your sales funnel. Let’s dive into it.

AIDA Formula: Awareness. Interest. Desire. Action

People often talk about the AIDA formula, which stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. It's a simple way to understand how people make decisions and how you can encourage them to buy your product or service.

Let's take a look how AIDA formula works:

Awareness: Grab your audience's attention right away. Make them aware of your product or service. This is where you introduce your product or service to potential customers so that they know what it is and how it might benefit them.

Interest: Pique their interest in the product by showing them how it can fit into their lives or just by showing them why they might need your offering in the first place.

Desire: Create enough desire for them to act upon it by taking action. Convince your audience that they really want your offer – that it will make them more successful, happier, and/or healthier if only they choose to buy it.

Action: Guide them through the process smoothly with an easy-to-follow call-to-action, whether it be buying from you or signing up for something else entirely —show them how easy it would be to buy from you.

How to Create High-Converting Sales Funnel

No matter what type of business you run, you'll want to have an effective sales funnel. A good sales funnel will help you convert visitors into leads and leads into customers with ease.

But how do you make a high-converting one? 

Here's everything you need to know before getting started:

Do your research

Don't just start creating a sales funnel without knowing who your audience is and what they want; that's like trying to build a house without knowing if it should be made of bricks or wood. You might think you're getting somewhere, but in the end, the building will crumble on top of you.

So what should you do? 

First, figure out who your audience is and what they want from your product or service. Then set up some surveys or polls so that you can get more detailed information about what kind of content they'd find most useful at each stage of their buying journey. 

Next, look at similar products in your industry and see where their sales funnels are falling short—this will help you make sure yours doesn't have any major holes that could lead customers down the wrong path toward purchasing from someone else instead of from you.

Finally (and most importantly), don't forget that while this process may seem overwhelming at first glance, once you get going, it won't take long before everything falls into place.

Determine the source of your traffic

When it comes to creating sales funnels, there are a lot of things you can do to make sure you're making the most of your marketing efforts. One of the most important things is figuring out where your target customer is looking for information about what you sell.

In order to do this, you need to think about where they go when they're ready to buy something. This can be in person, online, or both! For example: if you're selling business software and services, your ideal client might be an office manager who spends time on LinkedIn or Twitter during the work day. You could target them with ads on social media or create a blog post that talks specifically about what kind of problems they run into at work and how your product solves those problems.

As long as you know where your customers are already spending their time online (and how much), it's easy to create content that gets their attention.

Create the pages for your sales funnel

Once you know how many people are finding their way from one channel or another onto your site, it's time to start laying down some infrastructure. When you're building a sales funnel, it's important to keep your goal in mind. Even though you might be tempted to throw up some pages and start collecting leads, remember that you need to build a clear path for your lead from start to finish. You want them to have an easy time getting all the way through your funnel, and it all starts with how you lay out those pages.

One way we like to do this is with Sites & More, an amazing tool for building sales funnels quickly and easily. It lets you create landing pages and sales pages with ease, even if you don't have a ton of experience with coding.

Get 14 days to try Sites & More for FREE and get started building a sales funnel that converts!

How to Build Your Sales Funnel With Sites & More

  1. Sign up at Sites & More. Choose a template from our library that's perfect for your business.

 2. Enter a title for your funnel and submit.

 3. Time to customize it! This is where the fun really begins—you can drag and drop different components into place and customize them with text or images as well as include videos or other media if desired.

 4. Set up different stages in your funnel, like an opt-in page, sales page, and thank-you page. You can also add 1-Click Upsells & Bump Offers to make sure people don't leave prematurely.

5. AB Test your sales funnels so you can see which one converts best for your target market.

How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel

When it comes to optimizing your sales funnel, it's important to always be on the lookout for ways you can make your funnel more effective. Here are some tips for how to do that:

Take advantage of email marketing 

There are a lot of tools out there to help you optimize your sales funnel, but we've found that email marketing is the most powerful. Email marketing is the most personal way to reach your customers. You can segment your lists and send messages that are tailored to each group. 

It's also a great way to stay in touch with people who have already purchased from you—you can send them coupons or other offers that might interest them.

Reduce friction at every funnel stage

The more friction there is between each stage of the sales funnel, the more likely people will drop out before they get to the end. Look at where there are points where customers might drop off and remove those bottlenecks so that they can easily move through the entire funnel.

Add social proof or testimonials

Social proof is one of the best ways to reduce friction in any part of your sales funnel. You can use social proof elements like testimonials and reviews to convince potential buyers that they should buy from you because other people have already done so and were happy with their purchase.

Why Sites & More Is the Best Funnel Builder?

Sites & More is an all-in-one solution that lets you create any funnel you can think of. It's easy to use and incredibly intuitive, so you can customize your campaigns to fit your brand and your customers' needs. Whether you're looking to sell more products or services, get more subscribers and leads for your business, or drive traffic to your website, Sites & More has everything you need to make it happen.

The great thing about Sites & More is that it makes things easier for you by taking care of all of the technical details—so that you can focus on creating campaigns that get results. Just pick a template and choose some colors and fonts. Then you can add your own images or videos, text blocks with descriptions of your products or services, and more.

Sites & More also offers a wide range of features that will help you grow your business—including website builder, ecommerce, ab testing, one-click upsells and downsells, bump offers, CRM (customer relation management), email marketing, appointment booking, membership, quiz builder and more.

We have six plans designed for every business—from startups to agencies—and each one comes with a set of features that will help you grow. And best of all, we offer a 14-day free trial so that you can test out Sites & More yourself.


Your sales funnel should be a guide for your customers to follow all the way through their journey with you. It should help them understand what they need to do next and make it easy for them to take action. Your sales funnel is not just a list of products; it's a guide that helps people move from one stage of their journey to the next, while giving you insight into what they want from you along the way.

With this in mind, start thinking about how much time and effort you want to put into creating your sales funnel. The more detailed and personalized it is, the better—and the more effective—it will be at guiding potential customers through all stages of their journey with you.

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